Wellness at Work: Roots Philly Yoga
For many, attaining optimal efficiency in a fast-paced work environment while remaining creative in problem solving and idea generation is contradictory. To cope with a hectic work environment, employees often resort to autopilot or habitual ways of working, thus forfeiting the opportunity to creatively reframe problems and incubate clever ideas.
Research has shown that even short amounts of time devoted to meditation and mindfulness throughout the day can strengthen the creativity of work teams. Employees come up with more original ideas after meditation or exercise. Following a meditation exercise, teams are able to move past a myopic focus on organizational efficiencies to achieve greater cognitive flexibility.
In the Spring Arts District, corporate based wellness programs catered to businesses in the neighborhood are offered at Roots Philly Yoga. Local businesses can foster a culture of innovation by opting for weekly mindfulness interventions through yoga. These classes not only provide stress-reduction but also allow employees to reframe their work weeks and increase efficiency and thoughtfulness.